Make Money As A Wedding Videographer While You Try To Finance Your Independent Film On The Side
If you’re trying to raise money for your first independent film, then a great side job is to shoot wedding videos. You will get to keep your camera skills sharp for when you eventually raise the capital to finance your feature film. However, it’s not enough to have a video camera; you will need a few other things to make sure you get the work. Here’s a list of what you need to do.…
Read More »4 Tips For Keeping The Back Row Engaged
If you are hosting a large conference, you may run into the common problem of keeping the back row of your audience engaged in the conference. There are several reasons why people near the back of a conference room or auditorium disengage during presentations. Most commonly, it is because they cannot see or hear well. Besides speaking more clearly, here are four ways that you can increase audience engagement throughout the entire room, especially the back row.…
Read More »Crucial Questions to Ask When You Need to Rent a Sewer Camera
If you have ever been shocked by the fees a plumber charges to determine where a blockage has formed in your pipes and you are not afraid of an in-depth DIY project, it is a good idea to rent a sewer camera and do the work yourself. However, since the usability of sewer cameras can vary according to the specifications of the unit and your knowledge about its construction, even the short-term commitment of renting a sewer camera could be a waste of time and money if you do not know what to look for.…
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